How to file Small Claims
Sandra Hickman , Esq . Chris Kellam , Esq . Lloyd Comiter , Esq . Presented by our Small Claims Committee First Tuesday of every month : October 5 , November 2 and December 7 ZOOM https :// us06web . zoom . us / meeting / register / tZUtc-GsqzgvGdy-5JfNm4F9DVxLbrb2xbjT
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM This presentation is designed to teach consumers and businesses about the small claims process ,
including how to prepare for and what to expect in court . No legal advice is provided .
Tell your clients !
North County Section & Solo and Small Firm Pre-Holiday Happy Hour
Thursday , November 4 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Yard House
( outside - front patio ) 11701 Lake Victoria Gardens Avenue Palm Beach Gardens
FREE for all NCS Members and the Judiciary
Registration required @ https :// pbcba . intouchondemand . com / staff / EventMeal . aspx ? eventid = 31945