Club Car
Stereo/Radio Installation
The ability to turn on a
radio or spin your favorite
CD in your golf cart can be
an added simple pleasure
to the game. If you have
a Club Car , installing a
radio or CD player in your
cart is a relatively straight-
forward process. All you
need is the proper speak-
ers, wiring and mount-
ing unit to make golf as
entertaining as your long,
penetrating tee shots.
Step 1
Items you will need
Car stereo unit
Speaker wire
Small handsaw
Solder and iron
Wire cutters and stripper
Choose a radio and
speaker system. Because
a Club Car’s interior is
exposed to the elements, a ma-
rine receiver is recommended.
Marine stereos and speakers are
usually housed in plastic or rub-
ber to keep them dry. Marinas,
boating accessory retailers and
marine radio outlets carry quality
radios and speakers for boats
and other outdoor vehicles.
Step 2
Mount the receiver in your de-
sired location. The best location
for radio in a Club Car is in the
glove compartment. There, it can
be protected from rain. Start by
sawing a rectangular hole in the
door of the glove box so the ra-
dio deck slides in and fits tightly,
leaving the face flush. Using the
included mounting brackets,
mount the deck to the the inside
of the dash cover. Make sure you are
able to reach the back of the deck to
connect speaker wires and wire the
unit to your battery. If not, mount the
deck after you’ve wired your system.
Step 3
Mount your speakers. The best
location for speakers in a Club Car is
underneath the canopy in the rear
corners (mounted box speakers)
or in the compartment below the
seats on the kick panels. To mount
on the canopy, drill holes all the way
through the surface. Use silicone
around each bolt head to prevent
leakage. To mount speakers on kick
panels, cut holes in the center of
each surface big enough so their
magnets fit inside and the speakers lie flush. Mount each ac-
cording to instructions. Note: Bracket-mounted speakers may
interfere with leg room. Standard six-by-nine speakers are rec-
ommended for under the seats.
Step 4
Wire your stereo system. Run the radio’s power cable (red) to the
battery or nearest wiring harness. The black ground wire can be
grounded to the frame behind the dash panel if it doesn’t reach
the battery. Connect each speaker wire to the appropriate loca-
tion on the back of the deck and solder if needed. (see product
instructions). If you are wiring top-mounted speakers, run wires
along the canopy frame to each speaker (secure with plastic ties).
Use wire strippers to expose enough wire to fit around speak-
er terminal. Solder each connection. For kick panel speakers,
run wires from the back of radio, underneath the cart and up
through each speaker hole.
Test your system. Turn on your radio. If it functions, secure all
mounting screws and bolts and drive your Club Car around to
ensure speakers, wires and the radio stay in place when driving
over bumpy terrain.