November 2019 November 2019 | Page 28

ABLES C Y R E T T A B T T A M E Z I DOES S For gas powered carts, the cables need only be of suf- ficient size to operate the starter motor, which is only for a few seconds at a time. So that answer is no, the originally installed cables are plenty sufficient in size. For those of us who have the more plentiful, battery powered carts, the answer is somewhat more compli- cated. The short answer for us is, yes and no, depending upon what we expect from the cart or if modifications to the motor or controller have been made. If the cart is absolutely bone stock (all original with no up- grades) and is used primarily as originally intended around the local course, the stan- dard 6 AWG (aka 6 gauge or #6) cables are perfectly fine. Wire (cable) size is measured by a standard called Ameri- can Wire Gauge or AWG and relates to the diameter or cross sectional area of the copper conductor itself. The smaller the AWG number, the larger the diameter, and 28 WWW.GOLFCAROPTIONS.COM hence, larger current carry- ing capacity. For example, a 2 AWG cable is larger than a 4 AWG which is larger than a 6 AWG. Most cart manufac- turers use 6 AWG cables. The finest cables we have found so far are made by MaxiLink. com, which are super flexible and made for extreme duty electric vehicle use. Ok, now for you guys that want better performance, we’ll get a little more techni- cal. The maximum current that will ever go through your cables is when the cart is at rest and you mash the gas pedal to the floor. At that point in time, the controller puts out the max power it is capable of, and the motor experiences what is called “locked rotor” current draw, which can be hundreds of amperes. When the motor is in a stalled state, it requires tremendous energy to get it spinning to the rated RPM. If the motor were to stay in the stalled state (if there was some mechanical restraint that would not allow it to turn) the high current would continue to be absorbed by the motor until it actually burned up the windings. Typically though, the motor begins to spin immediately, and the current drops down to 20 or so amperes within a few milliseconds (on a stock cart). There are four things that limit that maximum current; the resistance of the internal windings of the mo- tor, the current capacity of the battery pack, the control- ler capacity and the resis- tance of the battery cables. The Battery Pack and Motor windings are pretty much fixed values. Keep these in mind because we will come back to them. Aftermarket “high torque” or “high speed” motors installed to increase the carts perfor- mance are commonplace these days. Unfortunately, that additional performance requires additional power. The motor is only there to convert electrical energy into kinetic energy (not very efficiently either). High pow-