November 2018 November 2018 | Page 38

The Golf Cart CHRONICLES BY: SUZY JAMES - WWW.ITSNEVER2LATEBOOKS.COM This Is A Story taken from The Golf Cart Chronicles - A Compilation Of Funny Golf Cart/Golfing Related Short Stories Golf Carts Have Come A Long Way Series One SUZY JAMES, Author E DUCATION- Get- ting around a mul- titude of gigantic col- lege campus grounds to become educated, work, or visit on foot is old school for many students. These mod- ern days you can go almost anywhere on the site by way of their affordable rental golf cart vehicles. I know this from experience after 38 attending college at the age of 95 to obtain a Master’s degree in “Longevity”. In order to get to several classes on the sched- uled time, traveling by golf cart earned me the nickname “EARLY BIRD”. (Sorry, there are no worms in this story!) I did graduate with honors from BRAINPOWER COLLEGE and am now teaching students how to live a long life. When I be- come a centenarian it might be time to buy my own right smart golf cart and ease up on my dai- ly long distance jogging activity. WWW.GOLFCAROPTIONS.COM G OVERNMENT- Did you know our government makes use of golf carts big time? They have special utili- ty golf carts to maintain their facilities and grounds. I heard that a tax man driving one of the agencies golf cart to another building was swallowed up in a sink hole. He survived but the golf cart was a write off. It still remains in the swallow hole to this day. Transportation golf carts are specially used to move personnel and work crews hith- er and thither to wherever they must be.