November 2016 Edition of Nostalgia USA November 2016 Editon of Nostalgia USA | Page 4

This 1979 f eat ure is one of t he rare at t empt s t o dramat ize a chapt er of America's f ormat ion. Set in 1620, t he st ory concerns t he rel igious persecut ion of t he Purit ans in Engl and and t heir decision t o emigrat e t o Pl ymout h Col ony in America. This is a f airl y st urdy and enjoyabl e piece of hist orical drama, wit h t he most import ant det ail s about who, what , where, and why inf ormat ivel y answered. Richard Crenna is f ine as t he Reverend Wil l iam Brewst er, one of t he Pil grim Fat hers and a vet eran of rel ocat ing rel igious minorit ies t o more hospit abl e pl aces. David Dukes is ef f ect ive as Mil es St andish, giving us some insight int o how t his mil it ary man came t o be an essent ial part of t he Pl ymout h communit y. Original l y t it l ed The Voyage of t he Mayf l ower, t his made-f or-TV hist orical drama was, not surprisingl y, f irst t el ecast as a Thanksgiving special . In t he t radit ion of t he 1952 t heat rical f eat ure Pl ymout h Advent ure, t he f il m met icul ousl y recount [s] t he journey of 103 Pil grim "separat ist s" f rom t heir rel igiousl y rest rict ive Engl ish homel and t o t he shores of t he New Worl d. The dramat ic crux of t he f il m [is] manif est ed in t he conf l ict bet ween mercenary, unt rust wort hy Mayf l ower capt ain Christ opher Jones (Ant hony Hopkins) and ideal ist ic but t ough Pil grim l eader Wil l iam Brewst er (Richard Crenna). Al so incorporat ed in t he narrat ive are t he int ert wining rel at ionships bet ween Mil es and Rose St andish (David Dukes, Trish Van Devere), John Al den (Michael Beck), and Priscil l a Mul l ens (Jenny Agut t er).