NovDec 2021 The Holiday Issue | Page 7


The Heart of the Holidays


The Insite editorial staff gets almost giddy in anticipation as we prepare for the holiday issue a full month before all the merriment begins . We put together some fun stocking stuffer ideas , a few new recipes to try , fool-proof smartphone photo tips , and previews of festive events . You ’ ll also get to meet a real-live Santa , take a tour of Christmas Town , experience a Polish holiday tradition , visit the fictional town of Tuna , Texas , and more . This season , there ’ s a lot going on .

As always this time of year , we share stories about people who are busy giving back to the community . From honoring fallen soldiers by participating in Wreaths Across America , delivering Thanksgiving in the Brazos Valley dinners , and making sure children ’ s needs are met with toys , clothes , books , and beds , this bighearted community truly understands what giving is all about . The page numbers to all those stories are to your left in the Table of Contents .
Let me let you in on a reporter ’ s secret : No matter how many details we pack into a story , there ’ s always more we could include . When we go on an assignment , we learn so much more than we could possibly share in words . The photos and graphics add to the narrative , but even then , they ’ re only impressions that ’ ll provide you with insight about the experience , but not the experience itself . As the saying goes , you can ’ t get there from here .
So if you want to feel the seasonal spirit , you can ’ t just read about it , but rather , you ’ ll need to be a part of it , and our pages are filled with ways you can do just that .
For example , if you really want to take better holiday photos , you can whip out your camera and practice .
If you want to find out how delicious porchetta is , you can learn how to make it and taste it for yourself .
If you want to see the festive outdoor lights , you only have to take a short drive .
And if you want to witness a mother ’ s relief when her child finally has their own bed and won ’ t have to sleep on the couch , air mattress , or floor — well , you can take our word for this : It ’ s an experience you won ’ t soon forget .
To coincide with this issue , we ’ re starting up our launch parties again after more than a year ’ s hiatus , and we hope you ’ ll plan on coming ! Our next party will be on Thursday , November 11 from 5:30 to 7 p . m . at The Arts Council of Brazos Valley in South College Station . You ’ ll have the opportunity to meet the writers and get to know many of the people featured in this issue ’ s stories , including artist Jason Robichau whose stunning show , The Art of Sport , is currently on display at The Arts Council . Santa Claus and his wife will be there too ! We ’ ll have lots of giveaways — and get ready to hear our big announcement about what we ’ ve got planned for after the first of the year ! Please join us !
I look forward to meeting you ! Best ,
Ellen Ritscher Sackett , Editor in Chief
Comments , questions , or suggestions ? I ’ d love to hear from you . Reach out to me at editor @ insitebrazosvalley . com .
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