nov dec | Page 9

Cover Story

Cover Story

Test & Monitor : Look closely

Have lockdown influenced working practices meant a changed approach to T & M ?
Bridge Technologies : Lockdown may have constituted a pivotal and concrete moment of ‘ shift ’ in terms of working from home , but a paradigm change had long been brewing – especially in the broadcast market . IP was already facilitating remote and distributed working options before the lockdowns , and these were appealing because of the added possibilities they give to live broadcast ; allowing OB vans to create in-the-moment , immersive productions across sports , news or events .
So for us at Bridge Technologies specifically , no we didn ’ t have to change our approach to how Bridge products tackle monitoring . Tools like our VB440 were designed to join up creatives and engineers working on a distributed or remote basis in real-time long before their hands were forced by the pandemic . It ’ s precisely because we were already ready with the tools needed
Monitoring tools and solutions are vital to underwriting consumer QoE which , in turn , flattens churn and helps shield a provider from unnecessary capex and opex . What are the latest developments in T & M ? How much must sit in the network , how much can sit in the cloud ? Euromedia sought the views of a range of sector players .
to facilitate remote / distributed / socially distanced production that an increasing number broadcasters turned to us during that period ; there was no lead time in developing what they needed , so broadcasters could pivot and adapt to the situation quickly . They hit the ground running .
Broadband Forum : The simple answer is yes . Increasingly we have seen multiple different customers behind the broadband connection . 4K AND 8K video users or homeworking as an additional service needs to be monitored and assured to meet not just speed , latency and delay performance but also security and assured availability . Remote testing , monitoring and analytics and remote tools become increasingly important to recognise faults , performance issues and where possible , deliver remote fixes . We are witnessing - both from increasing subscriber niches but also from a regulatory perspective - increasing calls for the continuous monitoring of not just broadband speed but also QoE
“ Increasing calls for the continuous monitoring of not just broadband speed but also QoE .” - Broadband Forum