Nov-Dec Overture_2024_Final | Page 25

daily … The whole — if I may say so — a spirited intensification to the end ( climax ). Triumphal .” Then he tells his correspondent that two of the other pieces currently in his thoughts are his Sixth and Seventh Symphonies . Distinct as they are , these final three Sibelius symphonies sum up the composer ’ s grappling with symphonic writing .
The Fifth opens in an atmosphere of mysterious beauty . A listener might imagine time-lapse photography of wildflowers unfolding in a vast landscape , or at least think of the composer ’ s notation in a notebook in late 1914 : “ I begin to see dimly the mountain I shall ascend . … God opens His door for a moment and His orchestra plays the Fifth Symphony .” The Andante mosso movement is a placid interlude marked by numerous melodies set to a similar rhythm . All manner of brilliant writing fills the finale , such that by the time this remarkable work reaches its conclusion in six widely separated and powerful chords — please don ’ t clap till they ’ re over ! — we can only agree with the composer ’ s description of it as “ triumphal .”
Instrumentation : Two flutes , two oboes , two clarinets , two bassoons , four horns , three trumpets , three trombones , timpani , and strings .

My mother , was a Rockette when she was about 16 . She was a ball of fire .
Gilchrist ’ s involvement in her life changed everything .
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Peabody ’ s FREE in-person and online performance season this winter spans from classical to contemporary , from jazz to dance .
Counseling & Support Elder Medical Care Hospice Care
Live Every Moment
Highlights include :
Peabody Conductors ’ Orchestra
Nov 8
Peabody Concert Orchestra
Nov 9
Peabody Wind Ensemble
Nov 21
Peabody Conductors ’ Orchestra
Dec 9
Find your favorites at peabody . jhu . edu / events .
NOV-DEC 2024 | OVERTURE | 23