Types of Noun Clauses
Below are examples about how noun clauses are used.
a. Noun Clauses as Subjects
Example 1
Whoever leaves last should turn off the lights.
In this example, the sentence is about ‘whoever leaves last’. ‘Whoever leaves
last’ is also the person performing the action of turning off the lights.
Therefore, the noun clause is the subject of the sentence.
Example 2
That people need water to survive should be obvious to everyone.
Here, the sentence is about the fact ‘that people need water to survive’, and
so the noun clause works as the subject.
Example 3
In music, which note is played and how long it is
played are both essential.
In this example, the sentence is about two things:
‘which note is played’ and ‘how long it is played’.
Therefore, both of these noun clauses are the subject
of the sentence.