Identifying a Noun Clause
Using noun clauses in everyday speech is common, as noun clauses often add
crucial information to sentences. Remember that noun clauses contain a
subject and a verb, are dependent clauses, function as a noun in the sentence,
and generally begin with words like that or what. Learning to differentiate
between the various types will take time and practice.
Game: Pictionary
Steps :
1. Split the class into two groups.
2. Draw a line down the middle of the whiteboard.
3. Have each team nominate someone to come up to the board.
4. The teacher should give each student a word of similar difficulty.
5. The student should draw the word on their half of the board.
6. The rest of the team members should shout out the word they
think is being drawn.
7. The first team to guess correctly wins a point.
8. Pick two students to come forward to draw.