Not Your Syllogism 1 | Page 4

Band-aid [ Man ]
Look , I knew the love of your life was standing behind me but you didn ’ t have to pull me away like a curtain , a band-aid man . The peeling began at my fleshy jaw , My face tingling with a rawness all too familiar to a
[ pacifier [ proxy [ band-aid [ man ]]]]. You ’ re too old for this shit , Joseph . And I am too , I suppose . A man of My complexion should know better by now .
Who gave you the right to name my color ,
? in my language 黄脸婆 is a title given to the withering woman . I ’ m no more jaundiced than you .
I ’ ve browned in the sun and paled in winters ,
Flushed with and without a glass too many . I ’ ll glow as I please . You ’ ll go as I please .