Not so Guilty Pleasure 1 | Page 21

Letter to the Editor

You were undecided on whether you believe that transgender athletes can compete in the olympics. Please respond :)

I have made my decision that I believe transgender individuals should not compete in the Olympics. This is my belief because it is unfair to the other competitors who work just as hard, specifically when someone transitions from male to female. Although these individuals are on hormones and may have fully underwent gender reassignment surgery, all the original hormones are still present in their body. If a man was transitioning from male to female all of the testosterone would still be present. The level of estrogen would increase greatly in the body; however, because of a hormone imbalance the level of testosterone would be forced to increase as well, (homeostasis). This means when a transgender individal is now competing among women, they still have more muscle mass. This leads to higher endurance and better performance. Although I believe everyone deserves to do what they want, I also believe it should be fair for everyone. Unfortunatley, when transgenders compete it is not fair for them or the other competitors.

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