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Despite years of emphasis on lowering obesity rates in the U.S., nearly 40% of adults and more than 17% of youth are obese. Instead of focussing on the guidelines individuals should start by gradually drinking less soda.
If people simply took out sugary drinks from their diet they would be consuming nearly 50% less sugar. However, the only true way to prevent people from drinking these beverages, such as Coca Cola, would be to slow down production of them. Unfortunatley, in societhy today the food industry seems to have more power than the government. So no matter how many regulations, guidelines, or policies you put in, these big food companies will still do whatever it takes to make a few extra dollars. This includes filling their products with sugar additives, which the human body can get addicted to. More individuals and "average joes" need to realize the risk of having too much sugar in your diet.
It is finally being realized that sugar doesn't just decay your teeth but your body. Therefore causing heart disease and diabetes. If people were better informed maybe the problems of obesity would start to subside. However, sodium and fat have been looked at for being the culprits of this epidemic for so long people are still having a hard time believing that sugar is the true culprit, because how can something so serious be covered up for so long?