Not Random Art | Page 65

It is very difficult to select one specific artwork which has influenced me. Seeing Michelangelo’s David in the flesh so to speak was an emotional experience and a lesson in perfection. The light in Caravaggio’s work never fails to move me, but, closer to home, Ben Quilty’s expressive works act as a social commentary in a very pure form, in that it is without ulterior motive and comes from a very caring open heart. I find his work to be uncorrupted : His ethics shine brightly in each piece. His work shows that art can create a dialogue, and make a difference to a person’s life and that is something I admire tremendously and aspire to.

How do you see the relationship between emotional and intellectual perception of your work? In particular, how much do you consider the immersive nature of the viewing experience?

Emotional and intellectual perception are closely linked : how people feel and think are sometimes difficult to extricate from each other. I don’t consider the viewer’s experience when I start a painting – and nor do I think an artist should. It is, however, important that they connect with my work and the only way I know how to do this is to paint what I feel and while the viewer may not relate to the actual visual content contained therein they will relate to the emotion. I would prefer that they feel the emotional connection first and then shape this into a narrative relative to their own experience.

Before leaving this conversation we would like to pose a question about the nature of the relationship of your art with your audience. Do you consider the issue of audience reception as being a crucial component of your decision-making process, in terms of what type of language is used in a particular context?¨

No I can’t second-guess an audience’s reception and I think the minute you try to, your art will become contrived, insincere and ultimately worthless.

Since we relvovle around the issue of communication this time, we have one more question: in yur opinion, can art change the future for inter-human communication?

How can art help us make sense of these complex histories?

I think art has the ability to create dialogue between humans however but unfortunately dialogue is a two way street so how far it can go depends on how well people are prepared to listen. History shows we humans tend to make the same mistakes again and again and greed often overwhelms compassion, however with the advent of social media a ground swell of solidarity between races can be achieved and who knows where that may lead.

Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts, Trisha. Finally, would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects? How do you see your work evolving?

I have recently joined the stable of two galleries and I have a couple of group shows coming up so I’m busy in the studio creating new work. I really have no idea how my work will evolve as each piece is a response to what is happening in my life at the time. I don’t plan paintings ahead of time - I have many ideas swimming around in my head which only come to fruition after I’ve finished the last painting and I’m staring at an emply canvas - and long may that continue !

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