Not Random Art | Page 20

Hello Aaron and welcome to NotRandomArt. I would start this interview with my usual introductory question: what in your opinion defines a work of art? And moreover, what could be the features that mark the contemporariness of an artwork?

Thank you, well I think in your question there is a part of the answer, Indeed art is the Reflect of the times in which we live, and the notion of artwork, explodes with Marcel Duchamp with his ready made, the urinal.

In fact art has no limits and becomes an instrument of reflection, conceptualization of man and his environment.

Is there any particular way you would describe your identity as an artist but also as a human being in dynamically changing, unstable times? In particular, does your cultural substratum/identity form your aesthetics?

Personally there is no real border between the man and the artist, because I use art to better understand who I am and the world around me, to find out why we are in this world, but there is in all of us a personal mythology that stems from our experience as a human and this directly influences the work.

For my part I was born in 1984, a decade hinge with the 90 who born in the internet and the advent of a new era with new technology, and a lot of changes: media dissemination and information, communication climate, political, movies ... all these things form the conscious and unconscious substrate of our personal mythology.

Could you talk a little about the intellecual background that has influence the way you currently relate yourself to your artworks?

In my research, I was very concerned about philosophy and Nietzsche's superman myth. In fact I understood as and measured my work my will to go beyond me to understand.

For example in the work « Gravity » I approach superman theme and metamorphosis, although the visual approach creates doubt in the viewer.

I especially like to use visual allegory and create visual codes that are hidden in the work.

What is the role of technique in your practice? In particular are there any constraints or rules that you follow when creating?

The technique is indeed an interesting question in the sense that it is influenced by the themes that I approach, for BLAH’s pantings series is a technique of duality. The spray paint supply of sweetness and naivete for background, while I use the oil over, causing a particular contrast, but I also like working with acrylic and oil for realism, sculpting, 3d... Ultimately constraints come topics I selected.

Could you identify a specific artwork that has influenced your artistic practice or has impacted the way you think about race and ethnic identity in visual culture?

Well, the urinal of Marcel Duchamp in part but The Cremaster Cycle of Matthew Barney me as upset. I saw very young and it opened a lot of doors and Alejandro Jodorowsky is a master for me. I love these movies, difficult to speak only one…

How do you see the relationship between emotional and intellectual perception of your work? In particular, how much do you consider the immersive nature of the viewing experience?

communication climate, political, movies ... all these things form the conscious and unconscious substrate of our personal mythology.

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