Not Random Art | Page 16

The concept of « terrain vague » or we can say « wasteland » has been recurrent in my researches for many years. What fascinates me in the « wasteland » is its ambiguity, its oddness. They are liberated from the useful and productive diktat of the society.

This attraction to such spaces goes back to my childhood. I spent time exploring ruins, abandoned building sites. As I lived in Normandy near the beach, there were a lot of blockhouses half buried in the sand. Even if in a way I am used to them, their presence on the beach is still very strange. There is such a contrast between the violence of their symbol and the peaceful atmosphere of the beach.

What interested me in wastelands and the concept of non-space is the potential of evocation. It triggers the imagination and the memories at the same time. One of my favorite film is Stalker (1979) by Tarkovski. It's incredible how the film director has succeeded in giving life to The Zone, this wasteland, full of mystery, by filming only ordinary places, just some ruins and fields. It is only the characters’ attitude, especially the Stalker who is very anxious, and some wind in the trees, from which Tarkovski creates a tension which give to The Zone a particular aura and makes it alive. I think that the main interest in this research is the

question of the creation of oddness within the ordinary.

Before leaving this conversation we would like to pose a question about the nature of the relationship of your art with your audience. Do you consider the issue of audience reception as being a crucial component of your decision-making process, in terms of what type of language is used in a particular context?

The notion of the spectator's view and more particularly the question of the projection is an important part of my work. I like the idea that my drawings can be perceived in different ways. Each viewer can project his own thoughts and at the same time link them to a more general history. I want the spectator to take the time to explore what is going on in front of him and not to remain passive

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