Not Random Art (clone) | Page 31

the material must be emphasized, I must avoid specific and precise techniques. Frequently, during the process, I must repeat several times the same action. I would call that “technique”. And in fact, it gets better with time and with practice, like any other technique.

The only rule I can think of is: work with as fewer intentions as I can. And keep my eyes sharped to the matter, the space and to accidents. The accidents play an important role in my process. Often I use it as element of the work. I never hide what I have done to the matter. Everything is apparent.

I`ve been working with less and less material, symbols, colors.. And less elements you have, more precise must be the intervention. With the casuality, the accuracy is on the choice: to use the accident or not.

How do you see the relationship between emotional and intellectual perception of your work? In particular, how much do you consider the immersive nature of the viewing experience?

Each necessary action to produce my artworks has intrinsically emotional and intellectual issues and elements that can be connected. But the meanings each piece can achieve will depend on the relation they can create with the viewers. I believe artworks go much further than the artist's plans or wishes.

In a formal exhibition, behavioral rules are established and the distance between the viewers and the artworks are almost palpable. When the artworks are settled in a particular location, their relationship seems to be more intense.

But in both cases, the dialog between my pieces and the architecture, can proportionate a estrangement, that might stimulate a deeper immersion or experience with the artworks.

Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts, Adriana. Finally, would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects? How do you see your work evolving?

My last solo exhibition was called Before the Dust (Antes do pó), Since then I`ve been thinking about what`s after the dust.

I planned already an exhibition for that, I am just looking for a suitable location.

In the meanwhile, I am working, in the atelier, with objects that I collect in the dumpling ground and in an abandoned Hotel, with site-specific installations.

we will see where it leads me.

Thank you for the interest in my work and for the opportunity you offered me to think about its process.