Nostalgia USA June 2016 Nostalgia USA June 2016 | Page 9

O m ahaBB U ta ee aacchh K nown by many as "Bloody O maha", this beach is probably more well known than the other four due to the film, "Saving Private R yan". T he film starts with the assault on O maha Beach in the Dog Green sector. Although a fictitious story, loosely based around true stories, the beach scene assault is something that most people will not forget. O mahaBeach T he 29th Infantry, 2nd R angers and the 1st Division led the assault that fateful morning on June 6th and many thousands never made it off the beach. To pay homage to these brave men, there are many memorials that are dotted along the 5km's of coastline. O mahaBeach Saving Privat e Ryan - Omaha Beach Scene Men of t he 16t h Inf ant ry Regiment seek shel t er f rom German machine-gun f ire in shal l ow wat er behind "Czech hedgehog" beach obst acl es, Easy Red sect or, Omaha Beach.