Nostalgia USA June 2016 Nostalgia USA June 2016 | Page 8
T his was the westernmost point
of the allied assault and was a late
addition to O peration O verlord.
M arshall,
M ontgomery, called for the
expansion of the invasion front
and as a result, U tah Beach and
Sword Beach were added.
T he U S VII Corps was tasked
with assaulting this stretch of
N ormandy coastline with the 4th
Infantry, known as the Ivy
Division, leading the assault.
American casualties were light
and the securing of the beach was
considered a perfect success.
Somewhat overlooked due to the
losses that were suffered on
O maha Beach; however, the
overall casualty rate, including
losses incurred on a training
exercise and the Airborne troops
involved, the casualty rate was a
lot higher than people imagine.