Nostalgia USA June 2016 Nostalgia USA June 2016 | Page 16
These are but a few of War
Correspondents who bravely covered
D- Day in words and photos.
Compl ete Broadcast Day June 6,1944
D oon Cam pbell Seventy years ago,
Reuters correspondent Doon Campbell
was the first reporter to set foot on the
N ormandy beaches with the sea-borne
forces seeking to liberate Europe from
N azi Germany.Campbell was 24 at the
time, the youngest British war
correspondent covering the invasion.
H e stayed with Reuters for 30 years,
covering other events including the
assassination of Gandhi. H e died in
2003, aged 83.
Roger Greene a few days after the
June 6, 1944, D-Day landing in France.
Greene was the first seaborned war
correspondent to land on the beach of
N ormandy in the D-Day invasion.
Robin D uff
M ar tha Gellhor n
World War I I D - D ay I nvasion radio new s broadcast
W illiam Walton parachuted into
France with the 82nd Airborne
Division on D-Day reporting for
Rober t Capa
Rober t Capa was with the soldiers of
the 16th Regiment of the 1st Infantry
Division landed at O maha Beach on
June 6, 1944, photographer Robert
Capa, in the employ of LI FE magazine,
was among them. H e is credited with
iconic photo of O maha beach.
Robin D uff, BBC War Correspondent
assigned to the U .S Forces. U sing a
specially developed midget recorders for
front-line reporting.
Roger Greene
D oon Cam pbell
W illiam Walton