nosh magazine (issue 3) | Page 2

nosh magazine WELCOME to issue 3 of nosh magazine Welcome to a new edition of nosh magazine. SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK! So how’s your year going so far? If you formulated resolutions, have you stuck to them? Have you been able to establish some new, positive habits? Does it feel like you’re on track for a healthy new year? To do so, simply complete and submit the below form. We look forward to receiving your thoughts. Whatever you want to achieve in 2015, if you haven’t already done so, now is the ideal time to start taking the necessary steps to put your achievement plan into action. To help you have a healthy year, we’ve given you a smorgasboard of advice from some of the country’s leading nutrition experts including Catherine Saxelby, Dr Joanna, Joel Feren, Shivaun Conn and Tanya King. As always, I welcome your feedback about this issue, as well as your suggestions to help us continue to improve the magazine. Plus, if you have any suggestions regarding future articles that you’d like to read about, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. Subscribe to receive nosh magazine by entering your email address below: TRACEY EMNEY Founder, n4 food and health [email protected] CONTENTS 3 Eat like a nutritionist: Alexandria Hoare 4 Do you suffer from runner’s trots? Amy Gianotti If you are interested in contributing to future editions, promoting your nutrition and health related events or have a great idea to include in future editions of nosh magazine, contact us at [email protected] 5 Should you go low carb? Dr Joanna McMillan 6 The truth about juice: Catherine Saxelby 8 Eat like a man: Joel Feren To find a nutrition expert near you go to 9 Nutrition and breast cancer: Tanya King 10 Baby’s first foods: Kate DiPrima 12 Sunshine muffins: Emily Orchard 13 Homemade tomato pasta sauce: Kate Freeman 14 Three tips for adopting healthy behaviours: Shivaun Conn 16 Nutrition blogs: Emma Stirling and Teri Lichtenstein PUBLISHER n4 food and health T: 61 3 8456 6545 E: [email protected] W: PRODUCTION Analee Matthews, Editor [email protected] Jack Lee, Creative Director [email protected] Information contained in this publication is for general purposes only and does not constitute medical, dietetic or fitness advice in any way. The Authors and the Publisher accept no liability or responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property from any use of product, information, ideas or instruction contained in this publication. Readers should seek their own specific advice from a suitably qualified health professional to ensure any changes to their own diet, lifestyle or fitness regime are suitable for their own individual circumstances. All prices stated are the recommended retail prices in Australian currency and may be subject to change. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, all parties associated with the production and publishing of this magazine accept no responsibility for the currency and accuracy of any content, and the copyright responsibility of all articles and content lies with individual contributors. Opinions expressed by the Authors in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher or any of its production or publishing team. No material in this magazine may be reproduced without written consent from the Publisher. Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved. 2