Norwex Business Guide English Norwex Business Guide English | Page 7

Start using , testing and practicing demonstrations . It ’ s a win-win : You ’ re learning , practicing , gaining confidence AND you ’ ll have a clean home !


Our Party Cards
( a helpful printed resource you can order through your Consultant Office ) are an excellent help for basic instructions and how to demo the products at your first events .
A world of options :
From our Mop System to our personal care items and tried-and-tested microfibre , Norwex truly has a solution for everyone . No matter what came in your first purchase , take the time to read its packaging , explore its uses , and practice using it : you ’ ll find that many of our products are excellent multitaskers , and they ’ ll serve you well for many purposes , so be creative and explore all options !
Did you know ?
• The physical power of Norwex microfibre and water alone will easily and thoroughly clean any surface . Norwex microfibre mechanially cleans and removes up to 99 % bacteria without leaving any harmful chemical residue behind ! This amazing combination of high grade microfibre with our self purifying BacLock ® technology will make any demonstration a hit !
• Many of our microfibre products feature a Recycled logo – meaning that those are made with 50 – 91 % recycled yarn . This can be a big selling point for some , so don ’ t forget to highlight it !
Norwex Safe Haven 5 Party Training Watch this example of how to demo the Safe Haven 5 products .