First step
Team Coordinator
Grow your business by inviting others to join the Norwex family as a Consultant just like you : always ask if they want more information about becoming a Consultant ... you just never know who might be interested !
You don ’ t have to know everything right away ... just start sharing !
Becoming a Team Coordinator is the first step towards building a community of people who believe in the Norwex Mission like you do . Find out more about building your team by watching the video at the QR code below !
Rewards and Bonuses :
• Earn rewards for sharing Norwex in your first 90 days .
• Earn Shopping Sprees for each new person that joins your Norwex team .
• As your team gets bigger , start to earn an extra income and progress up the career plan .
• Each step of the career plan gets you an extra cash bonus .
Make the Mission go viral ! Share why you joined Norwex with friends and family from near and far and inspire them to take a look at the earning opportunity by sharing this video - scan the QR code or check out the Opportunity Bundle - found on your consultant office under the Training Tab - Team Building .
Want to learn more about team building and sharing the Norwex Opportunity ? watch this short video .
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