Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine sept_lifestyle_flip | Page 6

2017 Conference Reflection

Well it ’ s safe to say that there is no way on Gods green Earth that I will be able to finish this years ' Conference Reflection tear free . I feel like I have done nothing but cry since 12:24pm on Saturday . Yep , that ’ s right , I can pin point the exact moment that my big , brave shell cracked and crumbled to the ground , leaving a very raw and naked me , standing exposed with no where to look but straight at the truth .
You see Conference is bigger than business development , product knowledge and party advice . It ’ s not just looking at stats and comparing notes and prodding you to make Customer care calls . It ’ s also about YOU . It ’ s about what makes you tick and what stops you from ticking , whether you know it or not .
This was my third National Conference and although I ’ ve cried at all of them , this one cracked me . This one has totally reset my game plan and given me a hope that I have never had in my Norwex business . I had a blocker that I was telling myself every year and although I heard myself saying it in my head and even out aloud , I never realised just how much it was stopping me from flying high . To be brutally honest , I was actually at Conference with ‘ this is my last one ’ in my head . My beautiful friends knew this and were determined to make sure that we absorbed every minute together and we were ready to rock it out as a last hurrah . Then this happened …
See that seemingly innocent line ‘ Hahahahaha yes please . I love babies ’, that cracked me !!! That one little line threw me into depths that I had been ignoring deep within my myself . You see , as a mum of two boys , I am so grateful to be blessed with them , but I can ’ t help but yearn for one more . I ’ ve always wanted 3 kids but due to unforeseen health issues , it ’ s been a struggle .
So for the past 2 years , every time the Go For The Goal trip has been announced , the first thing we all do is turn to our neighbours at the table and say ‘ so you going for it ?’. I clearly remember saying to Tracey Shelden at Movie World in 2015 ‘ No , I can ’ t go to Hawaii because I ’ ll have a baby by then ’ ( always trying to stay optimistic ). Then last year I said to Tania Heyblom as she encouraged me to dream big and reach for South Africa , ‘ What will I do if I have a baby by then ?!’ Her response seemed so easy for her ‘ take it with you ’. To me that just didn ’ t seem possible . So when
I achieved my Najo Necklace at the end of December , and already having my 2 qualifieds , this left only 25 000 points in 6 months to achieve South Africa . I threw my brakes on hard and aborted the mission . It seemed way too easy and almost possible .
‘ But what if I had a baby by then ! I can ’ t go to South Africa with a baby .’ That was my dialogue , that ’ s what I was saying everyday to myself but the deeper side to that , which I didn ’ t realise until Saturday at 12:24pm , was that my true dialogue behind this was this …
‘ No one will want to share a room or spend time with someone who has a baby in tow .’
So for the the past 2 + years I have felt like I needed to choose between a flourishing Norwex business or having my hearts desire . Then I received that text , and that horrid little voice in my head that was telling me to choose was all of a sudden silent . I no longer had anything to hide behind and no reason as to why I must pick only one . I was finally able to see that with Norwex I don ’ t need to choose . I can have both .
We have such an amazing culture ; a culture that supports and encourages and most importantly , includes everyone , even those with babies . We are a community of people that are so open and giving and willing to help each other where we can . If I had not gone to National Conference this year , which was a very real possibility , I never would have shifted that blocker and my business would be stagnant for another year , all because I never would have given anyone the chance to challenge my thinking . I would be sitting here doing what I have done after the past two Conferences I ’ ve attended ; staring at the GFTG flyer wishing I could go on the trip but thinking ‘ there ’ s no point , I ’ ll have a baby by then ( fingers crossed ) and no one wants that near them while they ’ re on a trip that they ’ ve worked hard for .’
So National Conference 2017 has given me more than just business points , it ’ s left me with more than just a suitcase of dirty laundry and a phone full of crazy , fun loving selfies with my amazing colleagues . I left with something that I didn ’ t even realise I needed . Something that the sender of this text didn ’ t even know the power of her words when she hit send .
I ’ m so grateful for all that my Norwex business offers me and my family , all the opportunities that I have had placed in front of me , all the friendships that I have formed , the income making potential provided and now this , the ability to dream big and grab that bull by the horns and ride it all the way to the Mediterranean .
So , if you are as scared as me to dream big and say aloud that you want to be on that cruise , and you are hanging on to blockers that seem too personal or silly to share , just know you are with people that care , people that support each other and most importantly people that are more than friends , they are family . Don ’ t wait to start your Norwex journey tomorrow , because that ’ s a day wasted and don ’ t hesitate to attend National Conference , you just never know what you will get from it . I know I have left the 2017 Conference with more than I ever realised I could leave with .