Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine may_lifestyle_nco | Page 8

10 Business Fundamentals for success 1 2 Practice the 4-2-2 Party Success Formula 3 Schedule your diary with highlighted dates and times to best suit your family 4 FRANKI 5 6 8 Know your WHY and what you want to achieve from your Norwex Business What is Your Success Promise? 4 + 2 + 2 Party Formula: 4 average $500 parties/month + 2 bookings at every party + 2 Recruiting Conversations per party Party at least 4 times per month with a goal to book 2 per party and have 2 recruiting interviews from each party.. Then when booking parties, you are organised to empower your future Hosts by simply offering the two-choice scenario e.g., do you prefer week days or weekends, days or evenings? In the next three weeks I have this date or this date available, which date suits you best? F Friends I Internet R Relatives You K A Acquaintances Update your F.R.A.N.K.I. list regularly to keep knowing and growing your circle of influence. N Neighbours Kids’ friends parents Phone Your Best Friend Host Coach Impeccably Sales Article . Maximising Birthday Month Learn to make the phone your best friend and be sure to have conversations with people regularly. This serves your Host well and will be the difference between a thriving and stagnating business.