Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine May Lifestyle Magazine | Page 11

When did you join Norwex and what inspired you to be a Consultant ? I joined in September 2015 . I ’ d used and loved a few of Norwex ’ s products and through the sheer persistence of the lovely Debra Rice I saw the huge potential income opportunity .
What has your Norwex business done for you and your family ? More than I could ever have possibly imagined . On the surface it means so many more options for our family . We ’ re able to let our beautiful boys partake in the activities and sports they want to , have family outings and holidays , buy organic and so much more . On a deeper level it has fulfilled a part of me that had got a bit lost over the time I ’ ve had children . Norwex has helped me rediscover a sense of passion , purpose and acheivement . The fact that I can help other people discover this for themselves too , is by far the biggest gift .
What is your favourite Norwex product and why ? The Kitchen Cloth ! This little cloth is by far the hardest working cloth in our busy house . It spends it ’ s entire day wiping up and down . It was the Kitchen Cloth that started my own Norwex journey and now through it being given in my Party Pack or being purchased by a new user , it starts the journey for so many others .
What are your Norwex achievements ( small or big ) and where to from here ? I went to annual Conference last year having just elevated to Sales Leader . I ’ d only been partying consistently for a few months . Following a few key conversations with some pretty insightful women I decided to see where a strong concerted effort could take my Norwex business over the next 12 months . My goal was that we ’ d be a Red Jacket Team within a year and to be receiving that Red Jacket at the 2017 Conference . Our incredible Team achieved this in 7 months . We now have a number of gorgeous women on their own journey towards their Red Jackets . My next goal is very clear . I look far better in black .
What would be the best advice you could give to a new Consultant ? Write your FRANKI list and work it , work it , work it ! Get your business off to the strongest start from the start . Host 2 launch parties and use your FRANKI list to generate as many of your initial party bookings as you can . Success builds success , and to begin with , party bookings are not going to fall into your lap . With some initial ground work you have the ability to really kick your business off and to get successfully started on this incredible journey .
Interviewer Trina Stewart