Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine march_lifestyle_18_joomag | Page 30

for the HOST in March midday March 1st – midday April 1st 2018 AEST Host a Norwex Party in March and receive a set of 4 NORWEX SLATE NAPKINS when your party reaches $600 party sales and one new party booking. VALUED AT AU$43.00/ NZ$48.00 SET OF 4 To be eligible for this offer, your party must be held and submitted by your Norwex Consultant between between midday March 1st and midday April 1st 2018 AEST, and reach a minimum of $600 party sales and one new party booking. Norwex Australia Pty Limited Ph: 07 3204 9444 • Web: Norwex New Zealand Limited Ph: 0800 895 015 • Web: Host a Party in March Host a Norwex party in March and receive a set of Norwex Napkins when your party reaches $600 Customer sales and one new party booking. See the flyer for details. BE A STAR HOST THIS MARCH New Z ealand HOST A PARTY AS THE HOST OF A MARCH NORWEX PARTY WITH 8 BUYING GUESTS, $600 PARTY SALES AND 2 PARTY BOOKINGS, YOU CAN ACHIEVE: Star 1 8 Buying Guests $600 in Party Sales Star 2 $600 in Party Sales and 1 Party Booking Earn 2 Party Bookings $60.00 in Host credit Star 3 HOLD YOUR OWN launch Value $68.50 Value $75.50 1 Window Cloth, pink 1 Ultra Power Plus™ Laundry Detergent, 250g 1 Bathroom Scrub Mitt Star 4 Value $177.50 TOTAL MARCH VALUE $381.50 PARTY Includes Free Shipping on Host Order 1 EnviroCloth TM , blue-green 1 Body Pack, vibrant colours plus March Incentive Achieve Host Rewards $429.50 Receive $48.00 Bonus Value in March when your party reaches $600 party sales & one new party booking Achieve Income $192.00* Achieve Free Products $90.80** Host Rewards Consultant Income = $192. 00 Total income and rewards Host Rewards = $712 .30 $429. 50 FreshSTART Rewards = $90. 80 To be eligible for these Host Gifts, your party must be submitted by your Norwex Consultant between midday March 1st 2018 and midday April 1st 2018 AEST, and reach a minimum of $600 in party sales, with 8 Buying Guests and two new party bookings. Party sales only. *This is not a guarantee of earnings with Norwex, and you may achieve less or more depending on your launch party sales. **When you reach FreshSTART Rewards Sales Step 1. Norwex New Zealand Limited • PO Box 335 • Levin • 5540 • Phone: 0800 895 015 • Email: [email protected] • Be A Star this March Host a Norwex party in March and with 8 Buying Guests, $600 Customer sales and 2 party bookings your Host can achieve over $300 in products. See the AUS flyer and NZ flyer for details. 30 MONTHLY INCENTIVES . March March is the month to host a party! When your Host achieves 2 new party bookings, you will receive over $65 in goods including Ultra Power Plus™ Laundry Detergent sample size. See the AUS flyer and NZ flyer for details.