Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine lifestyle_december_flip | Page 2

A WORD FROM OUR REGIONAL DIRECTOR Brian O'Callaghan Regional Director, Asia Pacific I have had a very busy start to December having come off a very busy end to November! Does that sound familiar to you? Wow, how quickly the year has gone by! But how great is it that for most we can enter this extra special time of the year with the knowledge that there is some good rest on the horizon. Yes, it is almost cliché to say that this time of the year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to plan for the new year. But as cliché as it may seem I do want to encourage you to do just that, especially in respect of your Norwex business. What I have enjoyed most about this past year with Norwex is the time I have spent with our Norwex Consultants. Time in the office is necessary but time with Consultants is gold. I spoke of November and December being so busy and yet the stand-out time for me in these two months was when I visited Mildura and Townsville respectively. Whilst in Mildura I spent quality time with the lovely Senior Executive Sales Leader Michelle Szeto and some of her Team members. It was gratifying to see the difference Norwex is making in their lives! And in Townsville we celebrated Rhian Borowicz’ promotion to Vice President Sales Leader. I also attended the Townsville Celebration event and then just last week the Brisbane event too. “downunder” this year in respect of In each and every instance I heard stories of how Norwex has changed lives, be it via the products, the Mission or the income opportunity. I guess that’s why I enjoy being with Consultants, it is seeing and hearing about what is happening in our community that is gratifying and rewarding to me. show some growth year on year. And so as I look to 2019 I do very much look forward to spending more time with Consultants than I have this past year. I encourage you to do some introspection regards your Norwex journey in 2018 and to make plans for 2019. I would encourage you as you look forward to 2019 to attend one of the Norwex Business Success 2019 meetings featured on page 40 if you live in close proximity to one of the venues. Business Guru Julia Bickerstaff is sure to assist you with your plans! Norwex Australia and New Zealand have made great progress creating Safe Havens. Whilst the full year Party Count is expected to be shy of our Year of the Party target, it is gratifying to see that the total number of parties “downunder” will That saying “shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” is very apt in this instance. Congratulations and thank you for all that you have done for Norwex during 2018. You are making an awesome contribution to humanity and for that we are so very grateful. As usual there are many incentives and programs on offer during December for both you and your Customers. Please do check out Consultant Connection or your Consultant Office for further information. All that remains is for me to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Thanks again for all your efforts, YOU are valued! Warm Regards Brian 2 Directors Message . Brian O’Callaghan