Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine lifestyle_december_flip | Page 17

5 Things to do before Leaving for Holidays! ENSURE YOU ARE SIGNED UP OR OPTED IN FOR OFFICE SUITE CHECK YOUR CARD ON FILE IS NOT ABOUT TO EXPIRE WHILE YOU ARE AWAY MAKE SURE YOUR CONTACT’S EMAIL AND OPT-IN PREFERENCES ARE UP TO DATE TO ENSURE THEY RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER SHARE THE PARTY LINK WITH HOSTS AND GUESTS CHECK YOUR ABOUT ME STORY AND PICTURE “ Office Suite is SO WORTH IT! I got an email that someone I have never heard of signed up under me to become a Consultant. I asked her how and why she signed up (free kit, discounted products, income). She signed up with a Join For Free Kit and wants to make money! YAY! Thanking Jesus so much for this! So, please follow up with your potential Recruits and invest in Office Suite. So worth it!” Go to My Business / My Profile / Office Suite Preferences to update your details Kristi article by Samantha Nicholas IT Support and NCO Training 17