Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine June LifeStyle Magazine | Página 2

A WORD FROM OUR MANAGING DIRECTOR Paula Morris Managing Director Australia and New Zealand W elcome to June. Wow, we are nearly in the middle of the year! For me, that means now is the time to relook at my yearly goals. How am I tracking, do I need to readjust my sails to ensure I hit my target? Goals keep you focused, they keep you going when the going gets tough… hmm did the same song come into your head when you read that? Some of you might be a little young to know Billy Ocean ;) What are your yearly goals? Do you have one? If not, let’s get you one, or maybe more. The number is totally up to you. Firstly, you need to choose your goal or goals. Do they excite you? Will they motivate you? Is there an emotional connection to you? Have you heard of SMART Goals? S S pecific M M easurable A A ttainable R R elevant T T ime Bound Your goals need to be clear and well defined. They have to be measurable. If you are saving for a holiday, how much are you going to save a month and how long is it going to take you. Your goal needs to stretch you, but not be so stretched there is very little chance you are going to obtain it. BUT don’t make it too easy. Remember, you want to stretch yourself so that you can grow. Your goal needs to be relevant and in the direction you want your life and business to go. If they are all over the place, so too you will be. And, of course you need to have a timeline for achieving them, otherwise they are just a dream. Next, you need to write them down. This makes them real and tangible. Doing this actually helps you become accountable to your goals. Sharing your goals with someone is another way to help you become more accountable. To help a goal become a reality, you have to make an Action Plan. What steps need to be taken along the way to make sure you achieve your goal? This is such an important part of goal setting and one that is sadly often missed. Being able to cross of steps as you achieve them keeps you focused and excited. You are the Captain of your ship. Only you can realign your sail if you steer off course to ensure you achieve your goal. It can be challenging, it can stretch you out of your comfort zone, but most importantly, the feeling of achieving is one like no other! So set sail my incredible Team. Go forward and achieve all that you are destined to achieve! Paula x