Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine july18_lifestyle_flip | 页面 2
Brian O'Callaghan
Regional Director, Asia Pacific
Excellent news, the days are getting longer
again and by default the weather should be on
the mend! That being said Norwex has laid it all
on for July to heat things up anyway. First up is
of course the Join for Free promotion. One may
ask why Norwex is so very generous in making
available top selling products free of charge?
Well our experience is that when prospective
Consultants get their hands on our products
and experience the efficacy and benefits, it is
in almost all cases a life-changing moment. The
resultant conviction very often leads to new
Consultants becoming productive Consultants
and so it is a very good investment Norwex
is making for you. I know about the power of
Norwex products in the hands of a first-time
user from first-hand experience. I of course am
completely sold on our products but goodness,
it was amazing to see the profound effect using
Norwex products for the first time had on my wife
Chantelle. I kid you not, she was so disappointed
when she learnt she couldn’t be a Consultant
because of a conflict of interest! My teenage
daughter would say she was “devo”. That has
not stopped her from raving about the Norwex
products at every opportunity though. She is the
epitome of a brand ambassador in her working
environment and in her social circles and would
make a great Consultant. And all it took was
having Norwex products in her hands and that is
the intention of the Join for Free incentive.One of
the typical differentiators between Direct Selling
companies and Retailers is that there is very little
or no advertising spend and so the Join for Free
really is Norwex’ answer to helping you advertise
and trial the product. As such this gives you
permission to get out there and share the Norwex
opportunity indiscriminately. You will note the use
of “share” as opposed to “sell” when presenting
the Join for Free to potential Consultants. I can’t
tell you how many Consultants we have who
tell me that they are so grateful their upline
shared the Norwex products with them via a
Join For Free incentive. In so many instances
not only have the aforementioned Join for Free
Consultants created their own Safe Haven but
they have also grown in leaps and bounds in
respect of personal development. In some cases
they have even moved on to lead a Team. And of
course some of these Join for Free Consultants
are now travelling the world with Norwex. So the
question I have for you is who are you going to
share the gift of Norwex with using this month’s
Join for Free incentive? I understand that you
may be fearful of losing a Customer if they sign as
a Consultant. There will be a series of interviews