Northwest Georgia Health Summer 2022 | Page 3

Letter From the President
Our Why
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why you do what you do ? Do you do what you do because you love it ? Or do you do what you do because you have to do it ?
Most of us have financial responsibilities , which may be part of the reason we go to work . But hopefully , that isn ’ t the only reason we go to work .
At AdventHealth , our team members realize that their work is a commitment to service , and it allows them to be a part of something extraordinary — something bigger than themselves . That , in and of itself , is inspiring .
Each team member ’ s reason for showing up and serving is deep and meaningful . And each team member has a “ why ” or the reason they do what they do .
If you walk through the halls of our hospitals and outpatient clinics or if you visit our EMS locations and urgent care centers , you ’ d hear as many unique “ why ” stories as we have team members . That ’ s right , 2,800 team members across Northwest Georgia , all with their unique “ why ,” and I don ’ t think any of them are here just for a paycheck .
These are your neighbors and friends , your family members and the folks you sit by at church and run into at the grocery store . They show up ready to face each day ’ s challenges . They ’ re bound together by a unified commitment to our mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ , our brand promise to help our communities feel whole and our rich legacy of providing exceptional care that focuses on the whole person .
What about you ? Whether you ’ re a teacher , nurse , interior designer , chef , mother , factory worker , musician , farmer , small business owner or anything else , each one of us has a “ why .”
When I was growing up , I loved hearing stories from my grandfather about the time he spent serving as a missionary in the South Pacific . I learned about sacrifice , commitment , service and a genuine appreciation for other cultures and beliefs , especially those that were different from my own . My mother was a teacher , and my father worked in health care . Together , my parents and grandparents influenced my life-long commitment to service . My “ why ” was informed through their positive influence on my life .
I ’ m excited to feature several of our team members in this issue , as they share their “ why ” stories . Their reasons “ why ” are profoundly personal and come from their heart . The biggest challenge was narrowing it down because everyone has a “ why ,” and everyone ’ s “ why ” is inspiring .
I hope their stories will not only give you a glimpse into our AdventHealth team but also inspire you to reflect on your own “ why ” and recommit yourself to being part of something extraordinary .
In His service ,