Bonin said that the cubesat is the most common type of satellite standardized to a 10cm cube by researchers at California Polytechnic State University ( CalPoly ), a public university in San Luis Obispo , California . He said , “ This is considered the Jack in the Box deployment system — it opens and deploys the spacecraft from the box .” He added that the functioning satellite is put into the box to protect it during launch . But by having the box as a standard size , it helps with planning for deployment . He added that , “ There are a ton of use cases for cubesats .”
The other satellite size that can be booked through the website is a microsat , which may not fit into the size category of the cubesat and may have antennas or other protrusions . “ If it doesn ’ t fit into cubesat standard but is still small — it may need customization ,” said Roberts .
Another benefit of working with Spaceflight is that when there is a launch delay , which is highly common according to Bryce Space and Technology ( https :// www . brycetech . com /) — the median delay is 128 days — Spaceflight can remanifest a customer ’ s satellite onto a different launch with their network of vehicles .
Although a customer can go to the website , http :// www . spaceflight . com and research upcoming flights for their satellite , Bonin said , not everyone will book a flight through the website . He added that many sales channels are “ still cultivated with a manual process as a lot of effort goes into the selection process — a process which used to be dominated by the presence of trade shows , government users , institutional and strategic investors .”
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