Northwest Aerospace News October | November — Issue No. 17 | Page 74

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From the latest innovations in our premium class seating products to our lavatory and galley touchless handle concepts , Jamco is continuously working to increase safety and passenger confidence . I am surrounded by our company ’ s significant investment in testing capabilities , an experienced engineering team and manufacturing capabilities that enable us to design , validate , and manufacture our latest concepts . Even with the travel restrictions and limited face-to-face interaction , I feel that the work that we are doing is more connected than ever .

It is interesting how counterintuitive it is that the 2020 normal of working remotely and webinars has resulted in a heightened level of comradery in aerospace , but I find it as a key positive amidst the tremendous hardship that we continue to face . In addition , we have witnessed unprecedented progress in aerospace with Bob and Doug ’ s historic first commercial flight of SpaceX ’ s Crew Dragon Endeavor to the international space station . I truly feel that our industry will overcome the current adversity while at the same time becoming more advanced and unified than ever before . I am proud and privileged to be a part of these efforts towards shared success .


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