Northwest Aerospace News October | November — Issue No. 17 | Page 52

The USIC is also engaged in important industry outreach programs such as Aviation Awareness Day ( Figure 10 ), where UAS industry and council members are given an opportunity to share with state legislators the latest initiatives and technological innovations representing current trends in the UAS industry .

The Unmanned Systems Industry Council understands the importance and benefits that unmanned and autonomous systems will play in our future commercial infrastructure , and the critical steps that must still be taken to foster growth in this segment within Washington . We all look forward to the future collaboration among industry , public leaders , and our public partners in leading this important initiative . If you are interested in joining , reach out — we welcome you to the USIC team !
Figure 10 . — WSDOT-Aviation USIC member Robert Hodgman with Insitu representatives ( Aviation Awareness Day 2018 ) Justin Fluegel ( L ) and Paul Allen ( R ).
Council Advisory Board Planning Committee Members
Robin Toth Department of Commerce Director of Aerospace robin . toth @ commerce . wa . gov 206.256.6103
Robert Hodgman
WSDOT-Aviation Senior Aviation Planner HodgmanR @ wsdot . wa . gov 360.596.8910
Mary Kaye Bredeson Center of Excellence ( COE ) for Aerospace & Manufacturing Executive Director mbredeson @ everettcc . edu 425.388.9987
Bob Griffiths
Aerogene LLC , Principal bob . griffiths @ aerogenecorp . com 206.669.2423
Steven Maheshwary Department of Commerce Director of Information Technology Steven . Maheshwary @ commerce . wa . gov 206.256.6118
Eddy Hensley WSDOT-Aviationm Aviation Planner HensleE @ wsdot . wa . gov 360.709.8019
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