Of course , legislators have their own definitions of what is “ essential ” when it comes to state services , and their own ideas about how many new taxes can be imposed before they choke off economic recovery . Finding common ground won ’ t be easy . This is why your participation and voice is so important . How lawmakers collectively attack this challenge will go a long way in determining the economic vitality of our state for the coming decade and beyond . For our part , the AFA has been sharing as much data as possible with lawmakers about how this pandemic has ravaged an industry that was already experiencing significant turbulence .
More daunting still , we don ’ t even know how the Legislature will conduct business in the 2021 Session . Will limitations on in-person meetings and gatherings be lifted by then ? Will committee or even floor debate be conducted virtually ? How will stakeholders like the AFA interact with our senators and representatives ? No one really knows for sure , but we won ’ t take anything for granted and lending your voice to this conversation is essential .
Please know that AFA is closely monitoring all of the activity impacting the industry in our State ’ s Capitol and we will constantly look for new and creative opportunities to advance the industry on your behalf .
Aerospace Futures Alliance 925 4th Ave , STE 2000 Seattle , WA 98104
info @ afa-wa . com https :// www . afa-wa . com
Trent House
Trent House is a government relations professional based in Olympia , Washington with a demonstrated ability to manage complex legislative agendas for a high-profile clientele . Prior to starting an independent lobbying practice , Trent worked as a lobbyist for the Boeing Company , and managed the Federal , State and Local Government Affairs for the Washington Hospitality Association .
A native of Washington , Trent began his professional career in 1995 at the Association of Washington Business ( AWB ) where he became an expert on public policy issues ranging from Tax Policy , Education , Workforce Training , Labor , and Health Care .
In addition to the Aerospace Futures Alliance , Trent ’ s current clients include the Washington Bankers Association , the Port of Seattle , Providence St . Joseph ’ s Health , and the Washington State Dental Association , among others .
In his more than 25 years of experience , Trent has developed a keen knowledge of the legislative process , the ability to build and lead diverse coalitions and strong working relationships with the Executive branch , key lawmakers and various state agencies .