Northwest Aerospace News October | November — Issue No. 17 | Page 48


- 49 Surveys Received - 92 Independent Data Points Collected
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Industry Shortfalls
Lack of investors , funding , or subsidies to promote proliferation of unmanned programs or technology development
Absence of technological solutions , standardization of processes , collaboration , or sufficient maturation causing deficiencies within industry
Lack of policies , legislation , or rule making or an excess of those , which inhibits the implementation of UAS technology or enterprise
Absence of trained or experienced workforce , or educational / vocational training opportunities to sustain industry growth
Negative public perception , or inability to leverage technology to integrate into current operational environment / infrastructure shortfalls
Charted Data
Figure 4

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Washington State Department of Transportation ( Aviation Division )
Robert Hodgman , Senior Aviation Planner
Eddy Hensley ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Manager , Aviation Planner
The mission of Washington State Department of Transportation ( WSDOT ) is to “ provide safe , reliable and cost-effective transportation options to improve communities and economic vitality for people and businesses of Washington .” As we apply this philosophy to our current and future transportation infrastructure , we recognize the impact that unmanned and autonomous systems will have on our mobility and transportation of goods , which impacts the economic growth and vitality for our communities .
We also realize that the strength behind such efforts is through the collaborative partnerships of key industry and public sector leads that can address and move these endeavors in the right direction . The USIC ’ s organizational objectives seek to do just that by providing a platform for industry and public entities to identify and implement strategies that will reinforce Washington State ’ s positioning as a leader in the aviation and aerospace sectors .
WSDOT Aviation is not only looking forward to the opportunities that USIC brings to the private and public sectors , but also the potential value for all of Washington .
Washington State Industry Lead
Bob Griffiths , Owner and Principal Aerospace Engineer , Aerogene LLC
The private sector is instrumental in supporting the USIC effort to foster partnership with government . State legislators will often turn to industry for feedback on policy efforts and legislation development , or when considering new programs to support the industry . The Industry co-chair provides unbiased advocacy and engages legislators and educators on any number of subjects to advance the use of unmanned systems within the state .