Northwest Aerospace News October | November Issue No. 11 | Page 50

GORGE TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE The Columbia River Gorge Tech- nology Alliance (Gorge Tech Alliance, GTA) is a professional organization developed to support the high-tech indus- try of the bi-state Columbia River Gorge region covering the counties of Hood River, Wasco and Sherman in Oregon and Skamania and Klickitat in Washington. INLAND NORTHWEST AEROSPACE CONSORTIUM YOUR ADVOCATE FOR UNMANNED SYSTEMS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST ADVOCATE. EDUCATE. CONNECT. The Inland Northwest Aerospace Consortium is a regional alliance of advanced manufacturers, service providers, and affiliates that work in concert to support the growth and success of the Inland Northwest aerospace cluster. “To advance economic growth, promote innovation, and create jobs in the unmanned systems and robotics industry in the Pacific Northwest.” JOIN AUVSI TODAY ■ ■ ■ ■ Education Advocacy ■ Chapter Events Community Networking Events For more information contact: [email protected] Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International 50 NORTHWEST AEROSPACE NEWS PACIFIC NORTHWEST AEROSPACE ALLIANCE The Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance is a coalition of aerospace companies that serve North America’s largest commercial aerospace manufacturing cluster which centers around The Boeing Company just outside of Seattle, Washington.