Northwest Aerospace News October | November Issue No. 11 | Page 38
his top-down culture of doing what it takes to ensure
extraordinary customer service is where Qualitel exceeds
expectations. “We believe that if we can help our cus-
tomer be more successful, then we will all be successful.
Sometimes, this means we have to let them know that we
are not a good fit or cost competitive in some projects or
products,” confesses Tuanhai. This heart that pumps the
Qualitel life source has helped them achieve the highest
honor from their customers, Circuits Assembly Magazine
Service Excellence Awards in 2014 and 2019.
Unlike all of their competitors, Qualitel does not build any
consumer products. They are singularly focused on their
mission. Where high reliability is extremely important,
along with having the right equipment and process for the
low-volume and high-mix aerospace demand, Qualitel has
precisely and reliably positioned themselves to be among
the best partners for the aerospace industry. Qualitel’s
parylene coating and their in-house flying probe testing
capability, along with the high-mix and high-accuracy
equipment, are precisely suited to the aerospace industry.