Northwest Aerospace News June | July Issue No. 15 | Page 5

JUNE / JULY 2020 ISSUE NO. 15 CONTENTS NORTHWEST AEROSPACE N E W S M A G A Z I N E 44 ISSUE No. 15 44 Awakening for U.S. Manufacturing 50 48 INDUSTRY INSIDER ASSOCIATION SPOTLIGHTS 50 Caring For You in the CARES Act AFA advocacy ensured aerospace employers received federal COVID-19 relief 54 The Covid-19 Crisis & U.S. Export Controls 58 PNAA Goes to Portland 62 Erika Armstrong —A Chick in the Cockpit Northwest Readers Share a Story — Erika Armstrong 65 Insert from the Washington Department of Commerce — Farnborough Special Supplement 62 JUNE | JULY 2020 ISSUE NO. 15 5