Northwest Aerospace News June | July 2022 — Issue No. 27 | Page 26

Although some might wonder how much work they must invest with training , a mentorship training model is baked into the cake . Strickland said , “ We provide mentorship training for employers who are current or prospective employer partners , to teach how their seasoned employee experts can help translate their knowledge to the incoming workforce .”

There are eight members on the board of directors for AJAC . They represent education , small business manufacturing , workforce development , and other government entities .
The Programs
Registered apprentices can train in 12 occupations with AJAC . According to Strickland , apprenticeships are approximately seven percent classroom structured , 93 percent on-the-job training . She added , “ They can understand the whys in what they are to do .”
There are programs for youth , entry-level apprenticeships , and advanced apprenticeships . The apprenticeships last from 18 months to five years . The apprenticeships are stackable , meaning they fit together in a continuing education format .
According to the website redeveloped in 2022 at http :// www . ajactraining . org , the programs “ offer job seekers and incumbent workers an opportunity to advance their skill development from one level to the next . Credentials earned in AJAC ’ s programs can accumulate over time to fast track an apprentice ’ s career pathway to greater employment opportunities and higher-paying jobs .”