Northwest Aerospace News June | July 2022 — Issue No. 27 | Page 36

While they are central to many of the region ’ s commercial aerospace and space companies , they ship products to New York , Tennessee , Georgia , Nevada , Canada , and Alaska . Anderson said , “ It ’ s more about where the project is than where the customer is . Most are out of state .” Some customers are also out of the country .

Anderson said , “ We benefit from being close to Boeing ; we can build the equipment in our facility where it ’ s easy for Boeing personnel to visit throughout the life cycle of a project — and supporting the installation of the equipment is more convenient for us as well . Our location has also allowed ABW to support larger , non-regional Boeing suppliers over the years .”
Anderson ’ s leadership may be part of the success of the two businesses . In conversation , it is easy to see how he might grab a cup of coffee with a small machine shop owner . His employees feel the same . Annie Hougland , business development manager , said , “ He ’ s one of the best leaders I ’ ve worked with .” She likes his style of listening and learning , and she thinks he truly cares about his people .