Northwest Aerospace News June | July 2022 — Issue No. 27 | Page 28

“ We feel we are a resource to employers ,” said Strickland . “ We realize registered apprenticeship may not be the best fit for every employer so we also serve as a resource to connect employers to others in the workforce development system that may fit their immediate needs .”

The Instructors
While AJAC has many talented people working behind the scenes to develop relationships with employers , school districts , economic and workforce development councils , and many other groups , they have an equally talented instructor pool .
The organization has over 60 part-time industry-led instructors across the state . That means people working in manufacturing plants making products each day also serve as AJAC instructors “ passing ” their knowledge and skills forward .
One instructor is Tanya Big Mountain . She said , “ I started my career path in a small locksmith shop as the only non-family member to work there in three generations .”

The Value of Apprenticeships

— Diversity in workforce recruitment
— Company connections - partnering with education and community
— Workforce knowledge , skills , and performance – increases productivity and a culture of learning
— Workforce cost savings through recruiting and onboarding
— Improves workforce readiness — Improves workforce retention
For the full story with detailed examples , visit Value of Apprenticeship to Employers AJAC ( ajactraining . org ).