They ’ ve seen a milestone in product shipments and are shipping over 1,000 unique part numbers per year , which equates to thousands of pieces and a 15 percent increase in throughput since implementation . Beyond that , he can show Boeing or Northrup Grumman query results for needed reporting . Now , they ’ ve just moved from Lynnwood to Everett into a larger space and are working to scale the business , with the help of ProShop , to hit $ 10 million in revenue .
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He concluded that onboarding staff using ProShop was “ fairly easy ; I give it an A- .” For less tech-savvy people , the most extended training session on using the software in daily practice was about a month . “ The more technical your position , the more technical it will be for you . If you are not very technical , you could have a problem . There may be four clicks to log in to a screen for a machinist or someone on the floor .” But overall , he said it is intuitive to use and highly customizable depending on what you want to get from it , whether commercial or Department of Defense ( DoD ) contracts and the ability to prioritize key business accounts .
Van Metre affirmed that satisfied customer results are an accumulation of improvements customers have shared . Beyond business improvements , he said , “ I most enjoy talking with machine shop owners and manufacturing leaders and hearing how we make an impact on their personal lives , business lives , and the lives of their employees . I love it to death .”
Website : www . proshoperp . com , Email : contact @ proshoperp . com Phone : 1-800-990-4046
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