Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 40 August | September 2024 | Page 62

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Four years into the towing gig I was offered a job as a copy writer for the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Public Affairs Office at Edwards AFB . For an aviation and space geek like me , Edwards was Shangri La — literally home of the right stuff — and I was arriving at the right time . NASA was expanding its Education , Public Affairs and History offices so I soon had my hand in writing , video production , graphic design and public outreach . Oh my . The talents I developed because I thought I would never get a chance to be a part of NASA , became the very reasons NASA welcomed me into the fold . My world expanded in every way . I felt like I was part of something bigger than any individual , and our work made a positive impact at all levels of society . So , here ’ s my message to all the young aviation and space geeks out there : STEM is great , but if it ’ s not your forte , there are other ways to play a meaningful part in the STEM-based worlds .
The NASA and Edwards experiences helped me land my job at The Museum of Flight 16 years ago . Here I am privileged to continue sharing the stories of aerospace with a world of fascinating people . My left brain versus right brain challenges still continue , but they ’ re now more akin to the squabbling of long-married lovers .
Ted Huetter coauthored the book , Edwards Air Force ( Arcadia Publishing , 2010 ); and a new book of his photographs , Waiting for Spaceships — Scenes from a Desert Community in Love with the Space Shuttle ( Fonthill Media , 2024 ) will be available everywhere beginning August 6 .

Northwest Readers SHARE A STORY

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