Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 40 August | September 2024 | Page 58

Richard McCauley of Mazak discussed Factories of the Future on the conference ’ s second day . Cody James of Universal Robots spoke about Transforming Manufacturing with Collaborative Robots , another forward-looking topic . Both future-focused topics were popular . Another engaging speaker was Dr . Ed Schweitzer of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories , who discussed the Energy of Free Enterprise . As a successful entrepreneur , Schweitzer had many personal examples and insights from his long career .
Jacob Bonwell of ATC Manufacturing and AAMMC Tech Hub was on hand to talk about the Next Generation of Aircraft Manufacturing . The audience was engaged , as the grant to help the regional workforce may impact many aerospace suppliers in the short term .
Regarding workforce development , Davenport said , “ It is always exciting to be part of a community that knows the value of growing the industry from the ground up . Teach our kids in school how to make things . Teach them young and watch them develop the next new technologies that make the impossible a reality .”
Norton observed as an event host and emcee , “ Several people mentioned that we are their favorite event of the year — partly due to a less hectic pace in our area . When I observe conversations , I see that people really take time to engage with each other . I think that is unique to our region and the event .”
The popular golf event was a great success this year . We had 28 players , which is a record turnout . We played 18 beautiful holes at the CDA resort . Ability level is very broad from beginners to experienced golfers . Golf is such an excellent way to connect with a few people on a more personal level .