Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 40 August | September 2024 | Page 12

We tested entry , descent , and landing technologies with high-altitude balloons ; these are the systems that help spacecraft return to Earth .” His desire to push the boundaries of flight operations was ignited in the early 90s when technology was making a big leap . This personal drive and ambition are what have propelled the industry forward .
“ The NASA programs we had been involved in launched very heavy payloads , ( weighing ) thousands of pounds and more sophisticated stuff . Our niche was in using new low cost computers and radios , and other electronics becoming available at the time , to do low-cost flight testing in situ in a near space environment . When trying to test new technology , you want to be in a relevant environment ; with a parachute that will land on Mars , you want to test it at a relevant Mars density or similar environment .” He added that the testing was intended to advance the technology readiness level ( TRL ). “ We focused on technologies trying to get to the TRL level of five or six , which require testing in a relevant environment .” He worked with customers from NASA , DoD , and other aerospace and commercial companies .
Lachenmeier said he enjoys being involved with many different technologies and ideas in his role . He works with many rocket scientists and innovators creating change and advancing technology . “ Instead of building widgets , ( the employees ) get to advance technology and solve problems .” He noted that his company has been great working together as a team , “ trying to fly something ,” and he enjoys the work .