Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 52


A startup accelerator nurturing growth within both the military and consumer sectors

Technology-focused startups can face significant challenges bringing their ideas to market . This especially rings true for dual-use applications that could benefit both the consumer and military defense sectors . Therein lies an opportunity to bridge the gap between these two disparate worlds , bringing to life the Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition ( PNDC ) local implementation of the NATO Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic ( DIANA ) program . DIANA is a pioneering hub that nurtures startups focusing on both consumer and military solutions / innovations .

Denise Ryser
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Email : denise @ pndc . us
Contact Information
Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition ( PNDC ) www . pndc . us Toll free : 1-888-701-PNDC info @ pndc . us
DIANA is supported via industry veterans within the PNDC , led by Denise Ryser and a team of professionals dedicated to supporting defense tech innovators at the PNW MAC , led by Chris Groves . The Pacific Northwest implementation of the NATO DIANA accelerator offers a distinctive combination of skills , resources , and networks tailored to the needs of these dual-use startups . The PNDC team stands at the forefront of this convergence , providing a supportive ecosystem where startups can thrive .
“ Our participation in DIANA has provided an immediate and very high level of value to our team ’ s efforts .” Ryan Cross , Zepher Flight Labs
PNDC ’ s NATO DIANA implementation is one of five current global accelerator sites running a six-month boot camp that began in January for companies from around the globe — to both inspire and train innovators to cultivate ideas and solutions with the best possible support . Todd Woods , program director for the local NATO DIANA program states ,