Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 18

JUNE | JULY 2024
Exclusive News From Boeing
Current President of the Puget Sound ECF Chapter Katrina White and her fellow ECF members attend the ribbon cutting of Evergreen Recovery Center along with Washington Governor Jay Inslee , Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers , Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin and WA State Senator Manka Dhingra

Giving Back to the Puget Sound Community

By Katrina White , President of the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound
Katrina White
President of the Puget Sound chapter of Employees Community Fund ( ECF ) of Boeing
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Katrina White is the current president of the Puget Sound chapter of Employees Community Fund ( ECF ) of Boeing . As a 27-year employee of The Boeing Company , she proudly represents the thousands of Boeing employees in the region that contribute toward the ECF on an annual basis .

The Boeing Employees Community Fund ( ECF ), a nonprofit organization uniquely powered by the collective efforts of Boeing employees and retirees , is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year through service to Pacific Northwest communities . We have ambitions to make this next year the best ever for ECF and its community partners .

The first ECF chapter was established in 1948 to combine and effectively manage employee contributions for greater community impact . Since then , ECF has grown to 20 chapters representing nearly all Boeing U . S . sites . ECF donors are elected to local grantmaking committees and work together determining to which community projects funding is donated . The organization is one of the largest of its kind in the world .