For those who have seen bad memes of language translation gone wrong , Kaprielian said they offer “ transcreation of advertisements – which means we are ensuring they don ’ t use offensive terms or representation of colors ; [ they ensure the use of ] the right individuals within images of people , and font styles ” that are culturally relevant .
Joplin said Verbio now has five locations in four countries . Oregon is the headquarters . She noted that their business in international trade helps companies with “ the core of communications .”
She said that every company needs something different , “ We are a bridge to facilitate communication in all its shapes . Sometimes customers need help facilitating a conversation .” Verbio asks , “ Do they need someone to accompany them to meetings in another country ? Do they need technical publications produced in a different language ?”
Joplin mentioned that many partners are involved in the international expansion process . She said , “ There are 60 District Export Councils , and the U . S . Commercial Service helps deal specifically with international trade and works with embassies overseas . The Washington Department of Commerce and Business Oregon start by working with smaller businesses interested in expanding and “ who want to grow globally .” The U . S . Secretary of Commerce appointed Joplin in 2018 as an Export Advisor on the District Export Council for Oregon and Southwest Washington .
Joplin ’ s business has filled a market need and continues to grow , participating in regional trade organizations for their industry .
APRIL | MAY 2024 ISSUE NO . 38 13